On 29th March, a private B787-8, managed by Comlux and with registration P4-787, made history with a non-stop flight from Seoul Incheon to Buenos Aires. The flight lasted 20 hours and 19 minutes, making it the longest B787 flight and the longest flight distance between two cities ever recorded!

Here is the flight data provided by Comlux:
Seoul RKSI 28/03 03:47 UTC (28/03 12:47 LT) – Buenos Aires SAEZ 29/03 00:26 UTC (28/03 21:26 LT)
- Block time 20h39’
- Flight time 20h19’
- Fuel remaining 8.2 Tons (for another 1h30’)
The flight crew completed the 10,520 NM route connecting the true antipodes. The flight was piloted by Argentine Captain Enrique Piñeyro.

Andrea Zanetto, CEO Comlux Aviation
“Great achievement by Captain Enrique Pineyro and his six crew members! We are proud to support them with our dispatch team!!”
Previously a Qantas B787-9, on Flight QF7879, was in the air for 19 hours and 16 minutes from New York non-stop to Sydney, as part of Project Sunrise Trial.
Story Source: Comlux, DesdeElPatio