An accident involving a small plane with 4 persons on-board (3 British and 1 South African citizen) occurred resulting in the death of the pilot and 3 other passengers (assistants). The relevant teams are on the scene, Dubai Media Office said.
The aircraft involved in the crash at Dubai was a Diamond DA42 light aircraft that was performing calibration work on the southern runway (currently closed) at Dubai Int'l. It crashed about 3 miles to the south of Dubai Int'l according to the Dubai Media Office on Twitter.
Earlier operations at Dubai International Airport have been halted since 7:45 pm following the incident involving a small plane. The airport operation has resumed after 8:36pm. The accident happened outside of the airport peak hours but have caused some flight delay and diversion to Dubai World Central Al Maktoum Int' (DWC).
We will update this post once more information becomes available.