Turkish Airlines Economy and Business Class passengers, flying on selected city-pairs, can now enjoy free accommodation if they choose to make a stopover in Istanbul for more than 20 hours. No deadline is stated in this promotion. You have to satisfy the terms and conditions and email your flight booking details in order to receive free accommodation.

Key Details to Note
- Free accommodation is available for round-trip tickets
- Free 1-night stay in a 4-Star hotel for Economy Class and 2 nights stay in a 5-Star hotel for the Business Class
- Visa fees, the cost of travel around the city and the cost of travel between the airport and hotel are borne by the passenger
- Passengers wishing to benefit from stopover free accommodation service should prefer a transit duration between two flights lasting 20 hours or more
- Free accommodation is only available for flights operated by Turkish Airlines
Eligible City-Pairs
These are the selected city-pairs that are eligible for this free stopover. You are to email your details (stated in the image above) to the respective email address.
Departure points | Arrival points | Telephone | |
Algeria | America Region, Asia-Far East, Middle East | freehotelalgeria@thy.com | +21 366 907 8308 |
Australia | Balkans, Europe, Middle East, Turkey domestic routes | freehotelaustralia@thy.com | +61 2 9255 9900 |
Azerbaijan | America Region (USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Cuba, Argentina and Brazil), Asia & Far East, Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, London, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | freehotelazerbaijan@thy.com | +994 12 404 10 51 |
Belarus | Asia-Far East, Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Europe, America Region | freehotelbelarus@thy.com | +375 17 3272555 |
China (PVG, XIY, CAN, PEK) | America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), Europe, Africa, Middle East | freehotelchina@thy.com | +86 10 6465 1867 |
Denmark | America Region, Asia-Far East, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkans | freehoteldenmark@thy.com | +45 33 38 0849 |
Estonia | Asia & Far East and Eastern Africa, Southern Europe, America Region, Middle East, Eastern Europe | freehotelestonia@thy.com | +372 623 1111 |
Finland | America Region, Asia-Far East, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkans | freehotelfinland@thy.com | +358 9 774 518 15 |
Greece | Middle East, Asia-Far East, Eastern Europe, Balkans, North Europe, America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), United Kingdom, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa | freehotelgreece@thy.com | +30 210 985 00 76 |
Ireland | Asia, Far East, Africa, Middle East | freehotelireland@thy.com | +353 1 844 79 20 |
India | America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), Europe and Middle East | freehotelindia@thy.com | + 91 124 4193000 |
Iran | America Region, Asia-Far East, Eastern Europe, North Europe, Balkans, United Kingdom, Africa, Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Spain | freehoteliran@thy.com | +98 21 235 46 |
Italy | America Region, China, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Japan, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Oman, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Jordan, South Korea | freehotelitaly@thy.com | +39 02 36563813 |
Japan | Europe, Middle East, Africa | freehoteljapan@thy.com | +81 3 3435 0421 |
Kazakhstan | America Region, South Africa, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Greece, Kiev, Thailand, Hong Kong, India, United Kingdom, Ireland, Schengen Countries, Tel Aviv, Dubai, Doha, Bahrain | freehotelkazakhstan@thy.com | +7727 250 6219 |
Kuwait | America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), Europe, Balkans, Asia Far East, Africa, Middle East, Cyprus | freehotelkuwait@thy.com | +965 18 849 18 |
Latvia | Asia & Far East, Middle East, Africa, America Region (USA, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico) and South Europe, Eastern Europe, Balkans | freehotellatvia@thy.com | +371 673 59441 |
Lithuania | Asia & Far East, Middle East and America Region (USA, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico), South Europe, Africa, Georgia | freehotellithuania@thy.com | +370 521 90 725 |
Malaysia | Europe, Middle East, Africa, America Region | freehotelmalaysia@thy.com | +60 3 2164 0849 |
Morocco | Middle East & Cyprus, Saudi Arabia (Hajj & Umrah), Asia & Far East, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan, Egypt, Greece, France, Malta, Belarus, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Sweden, Norway and Cuba | freehotelmorocco@thy.com | +212 522 640 507 |
Nigeria | Asia-Far East, Middle East, America Region | freehotelnigeria@thy.com | +234 1 277 22 30-32 |
Norway | America Region, Asia-Far East, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkans | freehotelnorway@thy.com | + 47 930 85 235 |
Oman | America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), United Kingdom, Ireland, North Africa, Europe, Balkans, Jordan, Lebanon, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia | freehoteloman@thy.com | +968 2476 5074 |
Pakistan | USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, Schengen countries, Canada, Saudi Arabia (Hajj, Umrah), Azerbaijan | freehotel@thy.com | +92 21 384 02 333 |
Portugal | Asia-Far East, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Balkans | freehotelportugal@thy.com | +351 213163121 |
Qatar | Europe, Balkans, North Africa, America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), Cyprus, Mauritania, Ghana and Ethiopia | freehotelqatar@thy.com | +974 3030 4712 |
Russia | America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), Asia-Far East, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Greece, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Malta, Israel, Prague, Vienna, Belgrade, Baku, Bucharest, Jordan, Croatia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Central Europe, Middle East, Northern Europe, Balkans | freehotelrussia@thy.com | +7495 980 5207 |
South Africa | Asia-Far East, America Region, United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Saudi Arabia (Hajj, Umrah), Middle East, North Africa | freehotelsouthafrica@thy.com | +27 21 936 3448 |
Spain | Middle East, Asia-Far East, Eastern Europe, Balkans, North Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, America Region (USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico), United Kingdom, North Africa, Greece | freehotelspain@thy.com | +34 91 758 23 35 |
Sweden | America Region, Asia-Far East, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkans | freehotelsweden@thy.com | +46 8 120 95 115 |
Thailand | Europe, Middle East, Africa, America Region | freehotelthailand@thy.com | +662 091 0300 |
Tunisia | America Region, United Kingdom, Africa, Asia-Far East, Middle East, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Greece, France | freehoteltunisia@thy.com | +216 71 960 999 |
United Kingdom | Asia, Far East, Africa, Middle East | freehoteluk@thy.com | +44 207 471 6640 |
Ukraine | America Region, Europe, United Kingdom, Ireland, Seychelles, Mauritius, Georgia , Azerbaijan, Thailand, Israel, China, Maldives, Dubai, Morocco, Russia, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Krygyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Hong Kong, Mexico, Singapore, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates | freehotelukraine@thy.com | +38 044 289 44 00 |
USA | Africa, Eastern Europe, Balkans, Southern Europe, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Jordan, Afghanistan, Nepal | freehotelusa@thy.com | +1 703 992 0476 |
Ivory Coast | Europe, America Region, Asia-Far East | freehotelivorycoast@thy.com | +225 20 24 23 69 |
Ghana | Europe, America Region, Asia-Far East | freehotelghana@thy.com | +233 302 73 45 60 |
Make sure you check out the full terms and conditions to ensure that you are eligible for this free stopover.
In case you have booked yourself on Qatar Airways, the airline is offering a similar program where you just need to pay $23 for four to five-star accommodation per night in Qatar. This Qatar stopover promotion is only eligible for passengers with a minimum transit time of 12 hours, in Doha.