During the current pandemic, the biggest struggle for pilots has been not flying. As COVID 19 restrictions have canceled commercial flights all over the world, most grounded pilots have also stopped training and a clear social and educational gap has emerged for pilots.
When I came across Airside - a digital platform created by CAE to support pilots during COVID-19 - I discovered a solution to this training gap. Airside provides career and training resources and tools for pilots, especially those who may be grounded during the pandemic.
The content on Airside was developed by surveying thousands of pilots around the world, it has been designed to answer their most important questions. Importantly during these difficult times, Airside is completely free for anyone.
The platform features four key content pillars, each of which has played a different role in boosting pilot's confidence during the COVID pandemic. The key areas are: Training, Career, Lifestyle and Community.

CAE is a top-notch training provider, offering assistance to civil and defence pilots through out the world. The priority during COVID has been to provide training information and advice to keep pilots current and sharp, while they may not be flying.
One of most significant challenges for pilots has been maintaining proficiency and license validity - nearly impossible when flight schools are closed or operating under restrictions.
Thankfully Airside has great training content that is being published daily, all of which is both educational and practical. Some of the most useful articles are:
- Staying proficient during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Getting familiar with a new type of aircraft
- Discover various tools to keep the rust off and stay organised

Pilots can find articles that prepare them for their next pilot job, with advice on how to prepare for interviews and write the best pilot CV. Additionally, Airside users can also find information about different pilot jobs; for example, cargo or business jet piloting.
One of the great tools available to pilots on Airside is the Resume Builder, this allows pilots, like me, to create a digital resume. This resume can then either be saved as a pdf or used to electronically apply for jobs.
I have recommended this service to colleagues that have been out of work during COVID, or even to those looking for career advancement. The response has been really positive, with many saying that the specialised nature of Airside's platform is far superior to other generic resume builders.

The aviation lifestyle is fulfilling and rewarding, so this component of Airside aims to educate pilots about health, finance and current affairs.

Let's face it, aviation is a community-based industry. Oftentimes, pilots' greatest lessons come from other pilots; so this type of community interaction is essential for the betterment of the aviation industry.
On Airside, you can interact and exchange on important topics. You will be able to create a profile and communicate with other users. Location based services allow users to connect when they are in the same location.

Airside is Free
Airside aspires to bring pilots together and create the largest community for civil and defence pilots globally. Registered users of the platform will benefit from job match functionality and have access to bespoke content, which is written by pilots and aviation professionals.
This post is sponsored by our partner at Airside and CAE.