On the 4th of October 2023, a FedEx Boeing 757 freighter performed a main gear-up landing following a hydraulic problem and unsafe gear indication on approach at Chattanooga Airport, Tennessee, United States.
The Boeing 757-200 freighter with registration N977FD was operating flight FX1376 from Chattanooga to Memphis with 3 crew members on board. However, while it was climbing out of runway 20, the crew decided to stop the climb at 5,000 feet due to a minor issue, stating they needed to work through their checklists to address this issue.
Approximately 15 minutes later, the crew informed that they needed to return to Chattanooga. The crew took additional time to complete their checklists, but no emergency was declared at this point.

Five minutes later, the crew reported that they needed more time to bring down the flaps before they could prepare for an approach. After another 4 minutes, the crew reported their readiness for the approach. According to the Aviation Herald, the crew stated that they experienced flight control issues, although they did not request any assistance.
Gear Indication Problem and Gear-up Landing
Meanwhile, on the approach, the crew decided to abort the landing due to an unsafe gear indication. After lowering their landing gear, the crew declared an emergency and requested a low approach to allow the ground personnel to check the status of the landing gear.
Following the low approach, both ground staff and the tower reported that they could not see any gear. Emergency services were alerted to a “no gear landing” at alert level 3. The crew stated their plan to stop on the runway and evacuate, with approximately one hour of fuel remaining.
Flight FX1376 was positioned for a no-gear landing on runway 20, but the crew decided to perform another go around, thus canceling the approach clearance. About 10 minutes later, the crew intercepted the localizer for runway 20 and touched down approximately 85 minutes after departure.

Upon landing, the aircraft overran the end of the runway, and the tower immediately closed the airfield. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and the damage to the aircraft is being assessed.

Chattanooga’s fire department and other public safety agencies responded to the incident upon receiving reports of a FedEx 757 on its final approach with a landing gear failure.
“Public safety agencies rushed to the Chattanooga Regional Airport late Wednesday night after receiving reports that a FedEx757 was on its final approach with a landing gear failure. The call came in at 11:04 PM on 10/4/23. CFD, CPD, and HCEMS quickly staged in position and waited.”
Chattanooga Fire Department (CFD)
United Airlines Boeing 737 Rejected Takeoff Due to Engine Fire
Earlier on the 30th of September, a United Airlines Boeing 737-9 MAX was damaged during a rejected take-off at high speed in Denver.
The Boeing 737-9 MAX with registration N37560 was operating flight UA329 from Denver to Boston. However, while it was accelerating for takeoff from Denver’s runway 16R, the crew rejected takeoff at high speed, in response to the air traffic controller, reporting he could see the fire from the left-hand engine (LEAP).
The crew confirmed the issue and stopped the aircraft. Afterward, they noticed that the tires on the right side of the aircraft seemed flat, and it couldn’t move. The runway was closed following the incident, and emergency teams rushed to the scene. The tower told the crew they could evacuate if necessary, saying, ‘The runway is all yours!’
While the emergency teams were on their way, the tower told them that they couldn’t see any fire anymore; it seemed to have gone out.
Footage shared on the internet shows fire damage to the right-hand side of the aircraft, all four main tires blown, and the right-hand main wheel rims abraded.

“Aircraft on departure roll, aborted takeoff due to smoke and fire under right-wing and arff extinguished fire, Denver, CO.”
FAA spokesperson.