Flying Back to China During The COVID-19 Crisis Neo Li·March 25, 2020All non-essential travel is strongly discouraged at this time. Carefully evaluate the risk before flying. Policies may change...22 Comments
My Time Through The Crisis Sam Chui·March 21, 2020It's been crazy lately. We are experiencing an unprecedented time in human history. Over the past few weeks,...16 Comments
Inside The Airplane Graveyard Sam Chui·March 12, 2020Mojave, Ca I visited Mojave, Ca, which is a famous airplane graveyard in the Californian desert. More than...17 Comments
Top 10 Airlines Worst Affected by COVID-19 Neo Li·March 9, 2020In January, the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease had put China in a special position. Airlines around the...18 Comments
Flying Volga Dnepr Antonov An-124 Cargo Transporter Sam Chui·February 18, 2020The Antonov An-124 Ruslan is a strategic airlift quadjet. It was designed in the 1980s by the Antonov design bureau in the Soviet Union (USSR)....13 Comments
Start-up US Carrier Avatar Airlines to Buy 30 Boeing 747-8 Neo Li·February 17, 20207th February 2020, Boeing gets a Letter Of Intention (LOI) for 30 new 747-8 aircraft, a deal that...13 Comments
Boeing 747 Freighter Tail Tears Open From Tailstrike Aaron Hilsz-Lothian·February 2, 2020The tail section of a Saudia Cargo Boeing 747-400 Freighter, operated by ACT Airlines (MyCargo Airlines), was torn...36 Comments
Evacuation Flights – Countries Evacuate Citizens From Wuhan (Updated 2/4) Neo Li·January 31, 2020United States: The United States government chartered a Kalitta Air Boeing 747-400F cargo aircraft (N705CK) to fly from...13 Comments
Airlines Cut Flights Due to Coronavirus (Updated 2/4) Neo Li·January 30, 2020This article will constantly update to show real-time information. Mainland China: Wuhan airport and other airports in Hubei...7 Comments