Who’s More Experienced? The Co-Pilot or the Captain? Patrick Smith·August 4, 2022The article below is contributed by Patrick Smith - AskThePilot.com My first job as an airline pilot was in 1990....3 Comments
Photo Report: Inside the Antonov Airport – Hostomel Sam Chui·August 3, 2022This trip report is contributed and written by FlyRosta The airport known as Antonov Airport 2 – Hostomel...1 Comment
CEO Talks: Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek on Long Haul Expansion Kurt Hofmann·July 29, 2022Air Serbia is adding a second Airbus A330-200 in October to its fleet as it plans to launch...1 Comment
History Special: Britannia Airways – The Blue Chip Leisure Carrier Charles Kennedy·July 27, 2022Warm spring weather in England has made me nostalgic for the classic years of the package tour to...5 Comments
Data: Worst Airports and Airlines for Delays by Region Sam Chui·July 15, 2022I really don’t want to fly much this summer because I know it is going to be Bad!...10 Comments
CEO Talks: Vistara CEO Vinod Kannan on Fleet and Network Expansion Kurt Hofmann·July 14, 2022New Delhi based Vistara is turning its focus towards international routes as the airline believes its domestic services...8 Comments
10 Travel Tips to Deal with Flight Delays or Cancellations Sam Chui·July 11, 2022I recently had 2 delays out of 3 flights taken on domestic U.S. trips. With a shortage of...4 Comments
Aloft With the Famous (and Forgotten) Patrick Smith·July 7, 2022The article below is contributed by Patrick Smith - AskThePilot.com FLY ENOUGH, and every so often you’ll encounter...1 Comment
CEO Talks: Austrian Airlines Long Haul Fleet Decision Kurt Hofmann·July 5, 2022Lufthansa subsidiary Austrian Airlines, which operates one of the oldest long-haul fleets in Europe, the carrier will need...2 Comments